How To: Fuzzy Search
I needed to reliably fuzzy search through a large list of items, and found that a popular library, fuse js, did not return reliable results out of the box
- options: are standard fuse js properties
- minWordLength: the minimum word length used to search
- whiteList: a string of whitelisted words that are below minWordLength but still desired for search
- minScoreRequired: similar to options.threshold setting
{ "minScoreRequired" : 0.4, "minWordLength" : 4, "whiteList" : "360 bim vue dwg cad git tag", "options" : { "caseSensitive" : false, "includeScore" : true, "keys" : [ "name", "tags" ], "shouldSort" : true, "threshold" : 1, "tokenize" : true } }
// import fuse, lodash, and create bucket for results
var _ = require('lodash');
var Fuse = require('fuse.js');
var results = [];
var search = 'some search query';
// filter search down to words specified by settings, return array of words to search with
var searchArray = search.split(' ');
var wordsToSearchWith = _.filter(searchArray, (word) => { return word.length >= settings.minWordLength || settings.whiteList.includes(word) });
// define items to search as array of objects
var itemsToSearch = [{name: 'some name', tags: 'new'}, {name: 'other name', tags: 'old'}];
// create new fuse js constructor
var f = new Fuse(itemsToSearch, settings);
// search items with each search word
wordsToSearchWith.forEach((word) => {
var result =;
result.forEach((record) => {
if (record.score < settings.minScoreRequired) {
// log search results
uniqueResults = _.uniq(results)